Auch in dieser Woche war die Discussion zu Evotec the heissest theme im wallstreetONLINE Forum. While in the letzten Wochen predominant and overloaded treaties in the Hamburger Wissenschaftskonzerns de Diskussion antrieben, war is in dieser Woche de Ankündigung der Rückkehr von Evotec in the M-Dax. Evotec war started in September in the S-Dax and started on 23. Dezember in the M-Dax zurückkehren (wallstreetONLINE messages). This Ankündigung would take place by the WO community with Freude-resurrection, while the undisputed Auswirkungen of the Aufnahme in the M-Dax would be carried out as an excess. Here are some stims for low at Evotec from der

Evotec Discussion I am wO-Forum:

Before the announcement of 23.12. plants, Aufnahme von Evotec in the M-Dax:

Conir: “If the new chef is aware of what happened, he can’t go further in the background than he will see, that he can choose that last time.”

Baggo-mh: “Aus dem Earnings call:

On the other hand, Just-Evotec Biologics continues to grow with a turnover of €128.7 million versus
€74.1 million last year. This growth of 74% is strongly driven by the higher order book in the
USA and helped by the first customer projects in Toulouse. Into the new factory
Toulouse, France is expected to be fully operational in the first quarter of 2025, as planned.


Also if I have seen the previous graph, the Order Backlog in 6 months has gone from 850 to > 1 Billion € and the estimate is not for the Order Backlog as of September 2024.

That € 130 million since Umsätze that man at Evtoec under discovery and development work. Man can benefit from 2 J.Pods before 2025, amounting to € 400 Million Umsatz under the Label discovery & development.

The future looks bright, hope the Halozyme Spuk vorbei.”

darauf -weitblick- : “Leute, Leute jetzt fängt es aber richtig an weh zu tu tu! „Order backlog” since but not „closed sales“! If you are not aware of it, it is indeed a false transaction. Is your pusherei at grass level level?

It is important that you are aware of the concerns regarding the recovery of your reservations (reservation in advance). Again the volume is not known, but it is not good either. Now there is pure speculation.

That is still very exciting here with the new CEO as well as possible!”

darauf crazy_matt: “Halt Stop. Here you can see how you can continue if you are in Glashaus. Order Backlog is placed in the Fa. zb AuftragsRÜCKSTAND as Aufträge that cannot be placed on the ground of Fehlteilen or Kapazitätsengpässen, nor can it be removed.
When you start working at Evotec with the production of an Auftrags file of approximately 1 Mr. It is not possible to perform an action. It is also possible to fix orders that were not realized before they became reality. Reservation of Kapazitäten has not predicted any man and here the expected growth of expectations has been passive when they were not realized. In the fall, we will be able to provide sufficient resources for the storage reservation.”

darauf Borsalin: “The Hoffnung stirs zletzt, schliesslich sollte man ich den gezen Call zu Gemüte führen. Anfangserfolge do not automatically generate a Fortsetzung derselben!
I am proud of the new production methods and for all notifications at Evotec eingestiegen.


KI bedeutet aber auch Konkurrenz durch weitere Player, schliesslich lassen sich so new Ansätze leichter and for everything with little Aufwand (sprich billiger) finden!
My money is no more than the AHA effect, it can be an “aber” danach.
Translocator: For my own research and development in the biotec sector, this is the best way to do it in Europe! …not found on 800 Kooperationspartner “Kunde” at Evotec…(IMO). Evotec is active with more than 4,000 employees and merchants with numerous customers from the pharmaceutical industry (see B. Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, Novo Nordisk, Takeda), Biotechnology companies (see B. Exscientia, EQRx) and also open Einrichtungen und Stiftungen (see B University of Oxford, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation).

Bayer AG (various indications, endometriosis, kidney diseases, etc.)
Bristol Myers Squibb (Oncology and Neurodegenerative Diseases)
CHDI (Huntington Disease)
Chinook Therapeutics (Kidney Diseases)
EQRx (Immunology and Oncology)
Exscientia (Oncology)
Ildong Pharmaceutical (Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen INDiGO)
JingXin (EVT201/Insomnia in China)
Kazia Therapeutica (EVT801/Oncology)
NephThera (Kidney Diseases – Joint Venture with Vifor Pharma)
Novo Nordisk (Kidney Rankungen and Diabetes)
Sanofi (Onkology and Substanzverwaltung)
Takeda Pharmaceutical (verschiedene Indicationen, ua Onkologie, Neurowissenschaften, seltene Krankheiten)

This list is now an Auswahl and Allianzen dar, gemäß dem Geschäftsbericht 2020 unterhielt Ende 2020 Evotec 829 Allianzen with Partners (Pharma-/Biotechunternehmen, Stiftungen, öffentliche Einrichtungen) weltweit.

… wer das Potential von Evotec nicht sieht, ist auf auf Auge blind…wie immer meine personliche Meinung.”

Oberbayer78: “Yes, but more: Evotec has an interesting interesting model, interesting knowledge and potential. ABER: Solange that there is no wider mirror and that will continue after 18 months. Monaten (auch Hackerangriff/ Insidergeschäfte) not yet aufgebaut ist (and that is long) ), wide It is a small explosion that masquerades as another attack.

So it’s gold plated, it’s worth using the Q4 Ergebnisse.”

Borsalin:Who can use Evotec to increase the cost of operations?
I think Antwort is lonely. If you are faced with a large amount of money, you can increase the amount of weight on the direct load, if you see one or more of the Meilenstein zahlungen. The gegenseite (auftraggeber) ends with the natural day.
That is also the case with other biotechs (zB Medigene bei Auslizenzierungen).”

After the Annunciation, on 23.12. plant plants from Evotec in the M-Dax:

BigStepsMonkey: “The tendency is also for MDax Aufnahme is brighter now; this is a miracle, but it will not come until 23.12.2024. This is a further researcher’s legacy of good work at EVOTEC. Wenn will die until 2025 and in Q4/ 2024 Zahlen passengers bzw.

Ratzifummel: “That is not the case with the “good work” at Evotec with these kinds of things. Get started with the Aktienpaket from Triton and the Angebot from HALO. Nur can share the imagination and the enormous range and protection of the MDAX solutions to use.
Ohne diese both Ereignisse were A; der Kurs fell better and B; One Rückkehr – when that happens, it will come – fully discharged. So, all art is a grateful one and Triton and HALO!!

Enjoy a good night’s sleep, save for the price of 11 € …………………………… !”

BaronVonDude: “Also, no one will experience any trouble here, since the entry in the MDAX is not yet free, but without any consequences. This is true for the Gegenheiten dieser Art noch niesehen…”

Dlg: “Baron/Yok, I have had my Posting beforehand and been 100% happy with it. I am happy with this Male Solche Indexabstiege bzw -aufstiege mitgemacht en ich habe so gut wie niebt, dass ERWARTETE Indexveränderungen einen großen (visible) Einfluss auf den Kurs otherwise, if there is a problem, Evotec will remove a number of annual reports from the index.

Nehmen will receive the MDAX reception from Evotec: beginning September 4 (Kurs 5.90 Euro), umgesetzt am 20. September (Kurs 6.01 Euro), der Dax war in the stable Zeitraum. Soll heißen: no bzw no visible Kursbelastung durch de MDAX Abstieg and man sollte mMn that otherwise here you come but not erwarten, sprrich: that is a non-event in my Augen.”

War_am_Buffet: “The (Wieder-)Aufnahme in the Mdax should only give a small boost, that tomorrow the Conference in London and possibly. We will continue to have good new nights. Those 10 sollten but dieses Jahr noch zu koop sein, sofern sich global keine dunklen Clouds oder so zeeammenziehen.”

darauf BierraMorett-i: “The Erfahrung also said that the Index is consistent with increasing rates of change. I would like to receive more than €9, then the Chart will be potenzial.”

darauf Boom promotion: “Maybe it is true that it has a positive effect if it is ‘good news’.”

BigStepsMonkey: “Durch die Rückkehr in de MDax vollführt EVOTEC auch here einen Wendepunkt; auch diet vollführt die Rückkehr von Vertrauen der Anleger in das Unternehmen; auch in the Expertisen. Zusätzliches Vertrauen ergibt sich durch die zületzt good Arbeit in Sachen “Aufräumen, Sparen, Durchleuchten usw.”. If the Vorstand through the wahrscheinlich schon “bekannte Info” zur MDAX Rückkehr die Fusion/den Kauf bei EUR 11 deswegen hat.

Falls jetzt nichts schiefläuft; sich Q4 in 2024 “normal” entwickelt (wie vorhergesagt), then könnte der Kurs kaal (hoffentlich) Richtung EUR 14 lie. It is also absurd, welche Daten/Fakten so noch kommen. I bleibe investiert.”

-1.63 %

-2.60 %

+16.42 %

+43.98 %

-53.74 %

-78.17 %

-56.25 %

+135.66 %

+250.40 %


Author: Hardy Schilling, head of the community

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